I created a series of whiteboard animations in collaboration with Jetpak Productions for an introductory psychology video published by Pearson. The animations were created using Flash, to give a sense of being drawn on a whiteboard as you watch them. They then served as a backdrop for interviews with psychology experts – as the expert explained a concept, the animation played behind them to illustrate their ideas.  

Psychology was a new area of illustration for me, and it was a pleasure to be able to use my more “cartoon” style to help get across a variety of concepts, from how speed-dating can be used to study attraction, to parenting styles and perception.

Cartoon of Marshmallow Experiment
Subject: The Marshmallow Experiment | Client: JetPak Productions (for Pearson Publishing) © MBC Graphics
Cartoon of Speed Dating Experiments
Subject: Speed Dating Experiments | Client: JetPak Productions (for Pearson Publishing) © MBC Graphics
Cartoon of Parenting Styles
Subject: Parenting Styles | Client: JetPak Productions (for Pearson Publishing) © MBC Graphics
Cartoon of Man in Bowler Hat
Subject: Perception | Client: JetPak Productions (for Pearson Publishing) © MBC Graphics

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